Art.112 (1) In case of non-conformity of the consumer goods with the sale contract, the consumer shall have the right to file a complaint, asking the Seller to bring the goods in compliance with the sale contract. In this case, the consumer can choose between repair of the product or its replacement with a new one, unless this is impossible or the method of compensation chosen by him is disproportionate to the other. (2) It is considered that a certain way of compensating the consumer is disproportionate, if its use imposes costs on the Seller, which in comparison with the other way of compensation are unreasonable, taking into account:

  1. the value of the consumer goods, if there has been no non-conformity;
  2. the significance of the non-conformity; the possibility to offer the consumer another way of compensation that is not associated with significant inconvenience for him. 

Art.113. (1) When the consumer goods do not correspond to the sale contract, the Seller shall be obliged to bring it in compliance with the sale contract. (2) The bringing of the consumer goods in compliance with the sale contract must be carried out within one month, as of the filing of the complaint by the consumer. (3) After the expiration of the term under para.2, the consumer shall have the right to cancel the contract and to be reimbursed the amount paid or to request reduction of the price of the consumer goods according to Art.114. (4) The bringing of the consumer goods in compliance with the sale contract shall be free of charge for the consumer. The consumer shall not owe costs for the shipment of the consumer goods or for materials and labor associated with its repair, and must not suffer significant inconvenience. (5) The consumer may also claim compensation for any damages suffered as a result of the non-conformity. 

Art.114. In case of non-conformity of the consumer goods with the sale contract and when the consumer is not satisfied with the resolution of the claim under Art.113, he shall have the right to choose between one of the following options:

  1. cancellation of the contract and refund of the amount paid by him;
  2. reduction in the price.

(2) The consumer may not claim a refund of the amount paid or a reduction in the price of the goods when the Seller agrees to replace the consumer goods with a new one or to repair the goods within one month of the filing of the complaint by the consumer. (3) The consumer may not claim cancellation of the contract if the non-conformity of the consumer goods with the contract is insignificant.

Art.115. (1) The consumer may exercise his right under this section within two years, as of the delivery of the consumer goods. (2) The term under para.1 shall cease to run during the time necessary for the repair or replacement of the consumer goods or for the reaching of an agreement between the Seller and the consumer with the purpose of resolving the dispute. (3) The exercise of the right of the consumer under para.1 is not bound by any other term for the filing of a claim, different from the term under para.1.

Art.125 (1) The complaint shall be presented before the Seller or before a person authorized by him. (2) The complaint shall be submitted orally or in writing. (3) When filing a complaint, the consumer shall indicate the subject of the complaint, the preferred way of resolving the complaint, respectively the value of the claimed amount, as well as a contact address. (4) When submitting a complaint, the consumer shall obligatorily enclose the documents on which the claim is based: 1. Cash receipt or invoice; 2. Protocols, acts, or other documents establishing the non-conformity of the goods or services with the agreed ones; 3. Other documents establishing the claim with regards to grounds and amount.

Art.126. (1) The complaint in relation to the consumer goods can be submitted up to two years from the delivery of the goods, but not later than two months from the establishment of the non-conformity with the agreed terms.

The complaint in relation to services can be submitted up to 14 days from the discovery of the non-conformity of the services with the agreed ones. (2) The term under para.1 shall cease to run during the time necessary for the repair of the consumer goods or for the reaching of an agreement between the Seller and the consumer with the purpose of resolving the dispute. (3) If the Seller has provided a commercial guarantee for the goods and the term of the guarantee is longer than the terms for the filing of a claim under para.1, the claim may be filed until the expiration of the term of the commercial guarantee.

Art.127. (1) The Seller or a person authorized by him shall be obliged to accept the claim, if it is presented in due time. (2) The Seller shall be obliged to maintain a register of the claims brought before him and the persons authorized by him. (3) Upon filing a complaint, the persons under para.1 must file it in the register. (4) The acceptance of complaints shall be carried out during the working hours in the commercial site, where the goods have been purchased or the service has been ordered, or at the corporate seat of the Seller.

The right to choose the place for the filing of a complaint belongs entirely to the consumer.

Art.128. (1) Canceled (2) When the Seller resolves a claim, he shall issue an act for that, which shall be drawn up in two copies, as he shall obligatorily provide one copy to the consumer.

Notwithstanding the commercial guarantee, the Seller shall be liable for the non-conformity of the consumer goods with the sale contract under the guarantee pursuant to Articles 112-115.

The complaint shall not be considered justified in the following cases:

- non-conformity with the specified instructions;

- damages and defects, which are a result of improper use and maintenance, or which have been caused intentionally;

- premature wear due to use in extreme conditions;

- wear and tear and breaking of the heel of the shoe;

- dislocation of the insoles and deformation of the shoes due to the influence of water, mud, or specific gait;

- discoloration of the skin after improperly used means for coloring and cleaning;

- when the shoes are not waterproof, if the opposite has not been explicitly stated in the label;

- damage or total loss due to negligence or intentional damage to any decorative elements (buckles, ties, eyelets, emblems, and the like).

Dear customers, at the time of purchase, carefully inspect the shoes for visible defects or damage in order to make sure that you receive them in perfect condition.